Yesterday was awesome! Well I honestly spent my entire day working out, but considering that I have been so busy and had no workout in 4days! that my body needed it. I started my Tuesday out with a good hearty breakfast of oatmeal, ground flax, wheat germ, wheat bran, cinnamon, nutmeg, tarragon, and clove. I topped the oat mixture w/ 1/2 apple, blueberries, pumpkin, plain yogurt, and apple butter. Oh yes, of course, adding a touch of Vanilla Soy Milk really pulls the dish together. And the coffee, can't go w/o that!
After my breakfast, I met a friend of mine from work behind the Y for a bike ride! I have not ever ridden on the road b4, so this was both pretty exciting and nerve racking! I wish I remembered to take a picture of me on the bike! But, I 4got :(. My friend, Steve H., a great christian family man who works at our local radio station, offered to lend me his extra bike and teach me how it's done. He was an excellent teacher. It probably took about an hour to set the bikes up before our ride. We had to check the tires for air, fit the seat to my body properly, set up the lil computer thing, learn proper techniques, and the different gears. So, right when we started to get on the bike and pull out for a test ride, my shoe got stuck on the pedal and I fell over! That usually seems to happen when I workout, from time to time, I always have to go home with some sort of scrape and bruise :) We made a test ride behind the Y, on the runway and greenway. I felt pretty confident, so we headed for the road! He wanted me to be the leader. Our first road was German Town Road. That is the road that is apart of our (YMCA's) Triathlon. I hear it's one of the most brutalist hills. But, honestly, we were just scooting along, it was fun, not too hard. We then encountered a rottweiler, named bear. I know his name b/c his owner made a sprint out of his trailer yelling "bear' ! That dog scared me so bad, but luckily Steve carries pepper spray, and the guy tackled the dog, so we were good. After an hour of riding, my rear was hurting oh so bad, that I was beginning to 4get how to use my gears! It is so true, when working out becomes your sport, the proper gear is extremely vital! I won't be wearing runner's shorts for cycling anymore, wow so painful! We road 16miles in 1hr and 16min. Our average speed was 14mph and topped 30mph. It was fun! But, after all of that, I had to go home and eat! My post workout meal was 1/4c Tuna and a boiled egg. The perfect combo to replenish the muscles after a hard workout.
I then took a nice hot shower and got ready for lunch. I made a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I used Whole Grain bread that I bought from Stick Boys Bakery for $3.00 a loaf. I topped it w/ Organic Peanut Butter, Morello Cherry Jam, apple slices, banana slices, and sunflower seeds.
It was, oh so good!!! :)
After lunch, I went back to the gym. Too mix it up a little, I went to the Express Y, instead of the same Y 2wice in one day. I was on the treadmill for 35min, which included a power walk warm up, run, sprints, run, and cool down. I was drenched when I got off. I then did some power training with the weights. I started w/ chest presses 20lb each hand, abs, leg lifts w/ 20lb, push ups, Lat pull, push ups, plank, push up position performing rows 20lb ea 15reps., squats 145lb 12 reps, lunges, Dead Lifts 135lb 8reps (these were so cool, try them on a bench press w/ the bar. Stand on the bench and take the weighted bar off rack, then go to town :) The advantage of doing this is so that when performing the deadlift, the 45lb plates don't hit the floor, so your hamstrings can get the full benefit. I then did more squats and called it a day. My post workout snack was a prune and 1 almond. I absolutely love that combination. It is such a pure food that really satisfies my body.
Ok, so after all of that, I came home w/an amazing aroma that filled the house. Mom had made an Olive oil, herbed chicken with brown rice and stirfry. I made the salad :)
For my dessert, I had another prune and almond, and called it a day! It was about 9PM when my mom and I were ready to sit down! We put on a movie, The Blind Side, such a good movie! And went to sleep.