Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who I see When I look through the mirror...

Jesus, Dance through me...

Walk with me...

Father... guide my footsteps and all of my ways...

...Jesus, be the center of me...

Shew and moments

Well, ok so today was good, this week has been great {well ya no, better :) } I have been doing great with my running this week! How??? Not sure, it just happened, woohoo! Monday night, I sent a txt to this girl, Kaitlyn, that I work w/ @ McAlister's Deli, to see if she wanted to run Tuesday morning at 6:30a. She sounded excited to run w/ me! So we ran 45min around Boone, in the pitch black, dark morning. Oh how it felt so good, so fun. So, because running w/ people takes away any feelings of "having2 run", I sent out another txt to a girl in one of my nutrition classes. She is an awesome athlete with three kids and a husband. Although she still travels from Wilkes daily, she still was very excited to get out and run. We had the most awesome run!!! We ran a very intense 52min with a mixture of flat ground, hill sprints, rolling hills, and stairs. I love to run w/ her because we are actually/ pretty much on the same level! Which is awesome! I usually have to slow down the entire run or have to walk, but today was perfect.

Ok, so any way, I guess you can tell that I have been workout buddy deprived :). For real, it's kinda killed me mentally and physically. I need that zone of friendly workout conversation to keep me focused, in shape, and well yeah happy. I get pretty depressed when I don't know anyone, or if I do know the people around me, there seems to always be a barrier between me and them. I will be honest, I'm pretty much an aloner. I will make friends, but for some reason, I cannot get to close to them. So, a workout relationship works out pretty well for me. Anything other than that, I feel vulnerable in a way, meaning the other person finds out way2 much about me, then well, yeah, I get scared, and back away. Again! I always do that. It's frustrating. I met 3great girls on the 3rd floor, great christians. But, for some reason, I just can't make myself get to know them any more than I do. I really really like them though. I don't know. Does that make any sense or am I just weird? I'm probably just weird. Well it's4 real. When I was younger, it seemed that my friends that knew me the most, ended up being the ones that hurt me the most. So, I bought a dog, something that would not kill over within 3years like my lil Guinney Pig, Pookey. My dog, Kayley, has been one of my greatest pals ever. For seven years, she has always been by my side, no matter what. When I cry, she knows, some how she always knows when I'm hurting or upset. She would jump all over me and lick me like crazy, which 4ever made me laugh. She is even there when I perform my daily pushups. lol I'ts pretty funny. I get licked within every pushup and end up smashing the dog, but that's her fault :). So yeah, Kate's my pal :)

Man, I have made it through another week! This week has been so busy (thank God!), but it has been good. I hate to be in the place being lonely and bored, not good! Last week was hard, because I was faced with several test failures, loneliness, little home sick, miss my dog, miss John and Sara, was not sure if I should continue working at McAlister's, and so on. So, like I said before, WORRY4 Nothing, Be anxious4 Nothing!

Yes it's true, I'm really thinking about giving up my campus job :( :( :(. I really enjoy coming into work @ 8:00 in the morning with a stream of "good morning.. hey Elizabeth how are you.. hey honey, ok now do the lettuce, lol in exact words :)" I enjoy working, because that's one thing that is mine. My job, my responsibility. If I know my job and do well, I feel empowered. Unfortunately, the job honestly is taxing on my body in order to function afterwards for Finance tutoring, Purchasing class, then sweat to get to my Finance class across campus. By the time I finish my day at 5pm, I am so run down, my feet hurt, it's easier to get behind in school and depressed. One reason I try to line up a work out the instant I get out at 5pm.. zone out and breath... just zone out and breath!! Today, once I started running, my feet quit aching, my stomach quit hurting, and I felt so relieved, Shew.

After my run tonight, I came back into my dorm for a nice hot shower, oh it was so great, so great! I overheard my suit mates in the other room talking about a Study Abroad information session with a Mexican Dinner, downstairs of our building. I opened the bathroom door and asked them about it. It was goin2 go on in 30min. Knowing me, I was thinkin, "well you guys go have fun", but I'm like no, "are you guys goin???" So I walked downstairs with them to the thing. It was actually fun! I offered to help prepare the mexican dinner and got my picture made several times, lol... oh after a run to, my hair was not all that great. But, the pics will be posted on the Appstate web site somewhere. I'll keep you posted on that. I was "Elizabeth Horton, the cheese prep", I thought that was cool. The meal was great! I was starving.

Well, My Law book seems to be calling out to me. Guess I better go see what it has to say tonight, my guess is a bunch of stuff about contracts and obligations.

Have a great night! ~ long blog, and honestly not sure what all I talked about, but it's probably something that's weighing on my heart that needs to be addressed and heard. Thank you for listening.