Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My Dental Experience :0)

Hello Bloggers! It has been a very good day so far... thank goodness! No, but this weekend was quite an ordeal for me. Saturday, I had the great opportunity to get my wisdom teeth pried out of my mouth! The Moms of Mercy Dental Clinic traveled to Sparta, NC to offer low income family's [or students] ;) to get their teeth worked on for free. Most of the dental people were dental students from all over North Carolina, and I knew several of them! That brought me a lot of comfort in the midst of watching hundreds of people w/ bloody mouths :4 Four of the students were from my college, WCC that I graduated from! It was really cool to see them in there uniform and out from under their Biology books.

So, anyway... I wanted to fill you in on my little dental experience. Saturday morning me and my mom got up at 4am to leave the house by 4:50am. I met two of my friends at the Melody Square, the little antique mall down the road. We then headed up the mountain to Sparta. I wish I felt good enough on the way home to capture some pictures. It is so pretty up there. We passed 4 deer on the side of the road beside streams. I wondered how long it would take to get to Charlotte from there, and sadly my mom said ~ 3hours... not duable for the fam... but it would be a pretty little place to visit anyway. While my mom waited on me for 9 HOURS! to get my teeth taken out, she roamed the little downtown streets. She sent me a txt while I sat there in anxiety :)... showing me a little coffee shop... Oh coffee, I thought. Finally! The Oral Surgeon was ready to see me. I was the last patient to see him, and he only saw six that day! There were like 50 dental students, so people who came hours before me just walzed right up in front of me. Sad, but they wanted me to only see this one dude named, Dr. Rabe... They claimed he was the finest. So, I waited all day long to see the finest :) I guess that's not such a bad offer. He gave up his entire day for the clinic for free, on top of his 60hr work week. He looked exhausted, but he was so nice to me... which I was truly grateful. After the surgery, I was so hungry!!! But, oh so numb... I wish that he did not give me so many shots. I could not talk at all, not at all after that.

Ok, so about 7pm that night I managed to pour soup in my mouth. It was so good. I then helped with the dishes and cleaned my room. After all of that, I was ready to hit the bed. My mom woke me up ~ 11pm to give me some extreme pain killer. I don't do meds at all, except for Advil, so that was like way to much. My mouth would not stop bleeding at all that day, so as I was changing the guaze... I was on the floor soaking wet! I then just repeatedly kept asking "why am I wet." My mom was like "Elizabeth! You fainted... whats wrong!" honestly was kind of funny... but the scary part was... my vision left me for ~ 1min. I then was kinda freiked b/c I felt dizzy, no vision, and hungry to an extreme! I then sat on the floor and pushed myself down the stairs to get food. My mom fixed me some oatmeal... I loved it... Then my mom had txt my brother n he came home in a flash. He left ~2am to go to Wallgreens and Wal-Mart to buy me some Ensure and soup. What a weekend it was! I finally was able to leave the house yesterday. I have really enjoyed my time at home... even though I'm in a lil pain... there is nothing like home. I cleaned, practiced my ballet, worshiped, organized the cats "pad/house" downstairs (she is so much happier).

Shew... ok, I really better shut up b4 I lose some of you readers... a lil long I know.... sorry :)

Great Way to Start my Wednesday!

This morning was a lot of fun! I woke up ~ 6:30am... my mom had already made Jello, watered the garden, read her Bible, and did her ab exercises! I thought that was pretty good for how early it was... I was so so proud :) ! !!!! ! !! She then wanted to leave the house early to get some grocery shopping done. I was excited she had so much energy. So, I jumped in the shower, threw my clothes on, put my makeup on, and tossed my hair up. We then left for Wal-Mart at 7:30am. We strolled around buying veggies, fruit, salsa, eggs, Advil, and cat food. It was pretty fun... no traffic jam in the aisles, it was a nice way to ease our shopping in stress free :) As we left for the checkout... I saw Tabitha! working on her day off :( so sad, I so understand though.... ugh work... that's a whole nother story. After shopping, we filled my car with a few groceries and mom took off for her 8hr day @ work. Me... I went home... put groceries away... fed the cat... pet the cat... played with Kayley. Finally... breakfast time!

I started a pot of tea on the stove. I used 3bags of Lipton Tea with 1orange tea bag. I first boiled the water and let the tea bags steep for ~5min. I added ~1/4-1/2c Organic Raw Sugar (my mom's recipe... except she uses 2 Lemon Tea bags w/ the Lipton).

There it is... Steeping

Here is where we drain the tea bags to get the ultimate flavor
and pour into the gallon container

I then fixed some oatmeal. I have changed up my morning routine a little. My mom has been fixing me a great bowl of oats w/ an egg white every morning w/ mashed fruit. She sprinkles a touch of raw sugar to enhance the flavor of the oatmeal. I have enjoyed this so so much. I is quite excellent and I am truly grateful that she has taken the time to perfect my oatmeal breakfast for me :) ! Today is the first day that I can chew my fruit without having to mash everything! What a delicacy! I made my oats this morning with: heaping 1/2cup oatmeal, 1 TB Wheat Germ, 1 TB Wheat Bran, and few Sunflower Seeds. I mixed the dry mixture.

I then poured water in the bowl. I added two egg whites over the oats! This is a great way to get high performance protein in your diet, especially when you are on the GO! I absolutely love this concoction. After adding the egg whites, I heated the oatmeal in the microwave for 1 1/2 min.

I lightly poured Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze over the hot oats and sprinkled 1 TB ground Flax and little raw sugar over the hot oats

In a small Starbucks mug, I cut up about half cup of
fresh strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries, and placed in the cup

After heating the oats one last time for ~ 40sec, I poured the freshly mixed fruit over the oatmeal

And Finally! Paired my oatmeal breakfast with a tall glass of freshly brewed Iced Tea! :)

What a great way to start my Wednesday :) !!
Hope you guys have a great day 2day!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

John and Sara ~ a big part of my family :)

One year ago ~today was my brother and his gorgeous wife's 1st year Wedding Anniversary! They have been married for two years now, which only touches how long they have loved each other. They are one of the few couples that have stuck together strong and still madly in Love. My heart goes out to both of them as they reach new milestones throughout life and conquer the impossibles.

There is no greater love than one that is pure in heart and true

I love you John and Sara!

Happy Wedding Anniversary!

Mom, Ben & Crystal, Laurie, Elizabeth, Stephen, and Tyler
We Love You!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A nice ending to a Good Day

Hey Bloggers! What's happenin today??? I had my midterm yesterday... after the test I totally new that I blew it. The test was really hard. It was just complicated w/ 50 computer, technology, database something questions and 6 essay questions. I finished the exam in 85minutes. I had a tiring headache afterwords. I just new I failed... But, my teacher showed us our test scores Today! I have never seen a teacher grade anything as fast as this guy does. I really really like him, he is so nice, funny, understanding, and he treats us as people/students instead of objects... I hate being an object! I'm a person w/ feeling you know! :`)... Ok, so anyway... The highest score in the class was an 84 and the lowest was a 63. My grade was right smack in the middle... I made a 73! I never felt so happy to get a C :). Today was a very good day. I have felt very sick all day, just from driving myself day after day! But, I knew today was my last day of school til Monday, so that really helped cool me off. I spent 3hrs in the coffee shop on my computer. I read an entire chapter in my computer book, took notes, researched, and typed a page for my forum... so productive :)

I wanted to show you my glory pic I took after finding out my grade... not the best picture setting, but the mirror helped get all of me for you guys :`)

My Lil studious Pic

Check out the bus station I stood at while waiting for that Orange Bus... that always left me... smack flat in the rain.

Well, the bus station is no more, it is now a pile of dirt w/ a truck on top. Boone has more construction than I have ever seen in my life! I am telling you, It's scary to look at it all. It starts 2miles from the college and is dragged on for miles. There are bulldozers everywhere, cranes everywhere, and tractors everywhere! Driving is kinda dangerous, b/c there is road blocks in diff places of the road everyday... you can see trucks rolling over huge Mt. high dirt piles.. turning that into a 6 lane highway! It is honestly insane.

I was studying on the 3rd floor of my building the other day and the whole place shook as if it was an earthquake! But, no it was construction workers blasting out a parking lot! So freaky :`)

Anyhoo.. I'm back.. have a great day :) Tomorrow is another 2ble shift 8-1 and 5-9, sigh
It'l be ok, I'm looking forward to Saturday.

My mom had a prayer meeting tonight w/ a bunch of ladies. One of them brought a Raspberry Chocolate Tiramisu served w/ coffee and raspberries.
Oh my gosh.. after my staff meeting I totally tried that :`)
Oh so good.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Hey bloggers :0) this is going to be short, but just wanted to keep you guys connected. My midterm is tomorrow! I looked at my study guide this morning, it is 23 PAGES! To top it off, it was not posted til today :( What luck huh... and I am already suffering from severe sleep deprivation, no joke. So anyway, please please pray, that's a lot of material for 3weeks. It has been a while since I have posted a picture... Maybe this little cheerful image will bring thoughts of summer, I love the dancing clouds.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Rush

Oh man, it's been a week... let me tell you! I originally decided that I could only work on Tuesdays and every other Monday. That way I could totally focus on school and not kill myself (generally speaking... I am not depressed any more :) wam so happy). Well, my schedule grew after the first of the month. I added in some personal training Tues and Thurs @ 7am before school, then I find that I am working Tues, Wed, Thur, and dble shifts on Friday! Sooo not good! So, every night last week I stayed up til 3. By the time Thursday came, I was about to be sick. Then Thursday night rolled around... I got in the bed @ 9:30p!!! So needed that... then woke up Friday ~7am, relaxed, ate some oatmeal, then went to a cycle class, got dressed, spent the day at the Library, picked up a coworker, went to work, came home ate watermelon w/ the fam, and crashed! Today, I thought I would be really exhausted and weak, but I am ok. I really took it easy yesterday so that I could recover. I just did some weight training w/ a guy this morning and ran stairs. I decided not to go out for a run. I am happy with my decision because I know, If I exhaust myself one more time until I feel recovered... well it won't be good.
Ok, so anyway about my problems :). Summer school is going really good. It's very very hard... new assignments every stinkin day, but I am grateful to be busy with something productive. I will be able to take 12 credit hours in the Fall, instead of 15!! 15 is way to much, I enjoy school, but when I pile the work on myself, it causes me to hate everything, and then I make B's and yes, possibly a C :( not cool.
I am at the Library now, filling my brain full of knowledge :). I have to complete 3papers by Monday with 3different pages of notes on how I wrote the paper, 1 Forum, 2 Forum replies, Midterm on Wednesday in my Computer Info Systems class. I had a group presentation last week in my Business Writing class. Me and this girl, Krysten, had 4 days to complete Chp. 10 and describe every little detail about the chapter with examples, and an exercise at the end. We only had half an hour. I added an exercise about persuasion with body builder supplements. That went really good, they seemed to enjoy it and how it tied to the presentation. It's been Kinda hectic! But I like it, strange. I started writing my papers at 6am this morning.
My sister is moving tomorrow, she is very happy. I hope you guys have a great day and may God give you strength within everything that you put your hands and mind to!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Long haul

Hey Bloggers. It's been a while, sorry. This is going to be short, but I did not want you to think that I just dropped off of the face of the earth. I am really tired, feel kind of dizzy... have lots to do... and you know how it goes :) Thanks for listening! God Bless