Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Great Way to Start my Wednesday!

This morning was a lot of fun! I woke up ~ 6:30am... my mom had already made Jello, watered the garden, read her Bible, and did her ab exercises! I thought that was pretty good for how early it was... I was so so proud :) ! !!!! ! !! She then wanted to leave the house early to get some grocery shopping done. I was excited she had so much energy. So, I jumped in the shower, threw my clothes on, put my makeup on, and tossed my hair up. We then left for Wal-Mart at 7:30am. We strolled around buying veggies, fruit, salsa, eggs, Advil, and cat food. It was pretty fun... no traffic jam in the aisles, it was a nice way to ease our shopping in stress free :) As we left for the checkout... I saw Tabitha! working on her day off :( so sad, I so understand though.... ugh work... that's a whole nother story. After shopping, we filled my car with a few groceries and mom took off for her 8hr day @ work. Me... I went home... put groceries away... fed the cat... pet the cat... played with Kayley. Finally... breakfast time!

I started a pot of tea on the stove. I used 3bags of Lipton Tea with 1orange tea bag. I first boiled the water and let the tea bags steep for ~5min. I added ~1/4-1/2c Organic Raw Sugar (my mom's recipe... except she uses 2 Lemon Tea bags w/ the Lipton).

There it is... Steeping

Here is where we drain the tea bags to get the ultimate flavor
and pour into the gallon container

I then fixed some oatmeal. I have changed up my morning routine a little. My mom has been fixing me a great bowl of oats w/ an egg white every morning w/ mashed fruit. She sprinkles a touch of raw sugar to enhance the flavor of the oatmeal. I have enjoyed this so so much. I is quite excellent and I am truly grateful that she has taken the time to perfect my oatmeal breakfast for me :) ! Today is the first day that I can chew my fruit without having to mash everything! What a delicacy! I made my oats this morning with: heaping 1/2cup oatmeal, 1 TB Wheat Germ, 1 TB Wheat Bran, and few Sunflower Seeds. I mixed the dry mixture.

I then poured water in the bowl. I added two egg whites over the oats! This is a great way to get high performance protein in your diet, especially when you are on the GO! I absolutely love this concoction. After adding the egg whites, I heated the oatmeal in the microwave for 1 1/2 min.

I lightly poured Blue Diamond's Almond Breeze over the hot oats and sprinkled 1 TB ground Flax and little raw sugar over the hot oats

In a small Starbucks mug, I cut up about half cup of
fresh strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries, and placed in the cup

After heating the oats one last time for ~ 40sec, I poured the freshly mixed fruit over the oatmeal

And Finally! Paired my oatmeal breakfast with a tall glass of freshly brewed Iced Tea! :)

What a great way to start my Wednesday :) !!
Hope you guys have a great day 2day!

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