Sunday, June 20, 2010

John and Sara ~ a big part of my family :)

One year ago ~today was my brother and his gorgeous wife's 1st year Wedding Anniversary! They have been married for two years now, which only touches how long they have loved each other. They are one of the few couples that have stuck together strong and still madly in Love. My heart goes out to both of them as they reach new milestones throughout life and conquer the impossibles.

There is no greater love than one that is pure in heart and true

I love you John and Sara!

Happy Wedding Anniversary!

Mom, Ben & Crystal, Laurie, Elizabeth, Stephen, and Tyler
We Love You!!!!


  1. The cake was so beautiful and oh so good :~)

  2. Your so cute! We miss you guys! We would love it if you were here every year to celebrate your birthday/our anniversary :) June would definitely be a great month! Thanks for the post! I know your busy with finals but I have been waiting for your latest blog. What a fun surprise to see me! :) Love you!
